HTML stands for “HyperText Markup Language” should be considered as the building blocks of the world wide web. Web browsers render web pages by rendering the HTML code along with CSS and Javascript. Elements in HTML are written in tags (tag A, tag B) to define different visual elements we see on a web page. The last version of HTML is HTML5 recommended by W3C as a standard on 2014 blessed web developers with lots of features and standards. HTML5 is highly advanced now, but the fact is, it literally evolved over the years. The HTML we had in some form back in 2008 was just a text rendering script when compared to the abilities it has now. HTML5 is developed by two groups: the World Wide Web Consortium aka W3C and the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group- WHATWG. To see how HTML5 evolved over the years. Let’s go back to the evolutionary timeline of HTML.
In 1991 the legend Tim Berners-Lee created HTML. HTML evolved from HTML Version 1 to version 4 under the W3C. It displayed static non-interactive websites seamlessly. In 2000, W3C recommended XHTML 1.0 – Which was an XML-based markup language with extended features of HTML. Developers depended upon the third-party plugins since the HTML struggled to render interactive and dynamic websites. The development of hypertext mark-up language is closed by W3C once it decides to target XHTML. WHATWG is made to develop hypertext mark-up language, with the aim of reflective the fashionable dynamic websites, whereas keeping backward compatibility with existing hypertext mark-up language code. 2004–2006: WHATWG gains support from significant internet browser engineers. In 2006, W3C additionally declares its help for the undertaking. In 2008, The principal open draft of HTML5 is released by WHATWG. In 2012, W3C and WHATWG choose to isolate the further development of HTML5. In 2014 W3C released the finalized standards of HTML5 and released the official recommendation.